What Instagram In-App Payments Could Mean for Business

Instagram In-App Payments

An Instagram in-app payments feature was just added early this month.

This new feature allows social media users to make purchases on Instagram. How? Users can add a credit/debit card to their account, with a pin for security. After they set-up and verify the accounts, users can make purchases through their Instagram account.

Instagram hasn’t stated when it plans to roll out this service.

Weaving commerce more deeply into social media apps offers potentially huge rewards for companies behind the apps, as well as those with products to sell.

Instagram says that more than 80 percent of its 800 million-plus users follow a business on the social network. With numbers like that, the Facebook-owned company will be keen to build out its shopping services to draw in more advertisers and boost revenue even further.

What does this mean for businesses?

You’re able to show your product and store where your customers already are.

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is getting your customer to your store and check out.

While Instagram already offers shopping opportunities via tagged items shown in an image, making a purchase currently involves navigating a pop-out page and completing various steps, including entering payment details for each new merchant.

Instagram in-app payments are now erasing that hurdle for businesses. Your customers won’t even need to leave Instagram to purchase the product you’re showing on your feed. The more steps involved in the buying process, the more likely a customer is going to fall out of the funnel.

It might not seem like Instagram is the place for businesses to communicate with their audience, but Instagram reports that over 200 million Instagrammers actively visit a business profile every day.

How will Instagram in-app payments work?

One of the first equipped is a dinner reservation app Resy. Some of its clients’ Instagram Pages now offer this native payment for the booking. And in the future, Instagram says you can expect direct payments for things like movie tickets through the app.

A tap through to the terms of service reveals that Instagram Payments are backed by Facebook’s Payments rules.

With its polished pictures and a plethora of brands, shopping through Instagram could prove popular and give businesses a big new reason to advertise on the app. If they can get higher conversion rates because people don’t quit in the middle of checkout as they fill in their payment info, brands might prefer to push people to buy via Instagram.

The whole point of Instagram not allowing links in captions is to keep you in a smooth, uninterrupted browsing flow. Getting booted out to the web to buy something broke that. Instagram Payments could make impulse buys much quicker, enticing more businesses to get on board. Even if Instagram takes no cut of the revenue, brands are likely to boost ad spend to get their shoppable posts seen by more people if the native payments mean more of them actually complete a purchase.

How can businesses utilize Instagram in-app payments?

Whenever a new trend or update comes to social accounts, your first thought should always be “How can this benefit my account?”?

Once Instagram opens up the payment option to the general public, you’ll be able to enable your audience with the ability to purchase your products and services directly on Instagram.

Until then, there are things you can do to prepare for the upcoming update.

Make sure you have an Instagram Business account

Business accounts provide businesses a lot more flexibility when it comes to managing your account and presence on Instagram.

They allow you to have an office location and hours in a separate section from a regular Instagram bio. Business accounts also have access to helpful analytics and promotional tools.

You’re also able to boost specific posts that will help you reach a wider audience.

Make sure your site is mobile-optimized.

Since you’re wanting to drive your audience to purchase from you online, the first step is to drive them to your site and store. Instagram is a mobile app, so visitors will be accessing your site from their phone or another mobile device.

Giving them a poor first impression will seriously hurt your chances of ever nurturing them into a customer.

Looking to the Future

Overall, the Instagram in-app payments update is very exciting for businesses and customers alike. Instagram is helping streamline the buyer’s journey through their app, and we’re excited to see how this will pan out.

Do you have any questions about marketing on Instagram or other social sites? Contact us here!

3 Brands with Killer Social Media Strategies

social media

There are hundreds of social media platforms out there. Among the most common are Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.  People view advertisements and engage with content on these outlets daily.  Because of this, it’s important that brands make sure their content is memorable and unique with social media strategies.

Below is a list of a few popular brands that demonstrate successful social media strategies. Check out the list below to see what you or your brand can learn about social media from them!

  1. Wendy’s

In 2017, Wendy’s was recognized by its followers for their use of humorous sass on their Twitter account. In one example, a follower tweeted at Wendy’s, asking, “If the beef is never frozen, then how do you guys keep it fresh?” Wendy’s reply was smart and sassy: “R E F R I G E R A T O R S”.

Another instance where they clapped back happened when a user tweeted at them, “@Wendy’s How much does a Big Mac cost?” Wendy’s responded, “Your dignity”.

These examples show that Wendy’s social media strategy is different from other brands in that it is quirky and unforgettable. They also target other competing restaurants, like McDonald’s in this case. The whole point of their tweets was to get people talking. Clearly, it worked.

  1. Airbnb

Another brand that uses its content in a crafty, strategical way as Airbnb. Their Instagram is filled with beautiful images of different places around the world. They engage their audience by creating captions that catch their attention. For example, one photo states, “Forever is how long you’ll want to stay in the infinity pool at Lebah Villa. But – trust us – you’ll want to dry off and take the short walk to Ubud village, soaking in the Bali rice paddy view.” Each photo includes a storytelling aspect to it, which lets the viewer imagine that they are in that location.

In addition, Airbnb started a campaign using the hashtag #WeAccept. With this, the brand intended to show their audience that they support all types of people and backgrounds. This was an effective social media strategy to engage users and promote diversity.

  1. GoPro

Instagram has proved to be a successful social media platform, as it includes contests and other user-generated content. GoPro, a technology company that designs cameras for sports, activities, and travel, maintains an inspiring Instagram account for this reason. Each day, they run two contests called “Photo of the day” and “Video of the day”. Users from around the world can upload their personal photos or videos, and GoPro picks the best ones. Not only does this literally engage followers, but it promotes a lifestyle of adventure and fun for prospective customers. In a way, this is better than simply showcasing a certain product. This allows viewers to picture what their life would be like if they had that specific product.


These three brands are role models that anyone can look up to for social media tips and ideas. If you or your company is out of ideas for your social media strategies, we can also help!

5 Ways to Make Your Email Marketing Strategy a Success

email marketing strategy

Not only does email marketing build credibility and strengthen customer relationships, but it is unique from other marketing strategies. Here’s why: it’s either very inexpensive or free, meaning you have nothing to lose if it fails. On top of that, studies have shown that a successful email marketing campaign can produce up to 4,300 percent return on investment.

Sadly, not all email marketing approaches are effective. People find them to be annoying, due to excessive floods of emails, cheesy wording, and the possibility of spam. However, there are ways to change attitudes regarding an email marketing strategy. Here’s a list of tactics that will pique your consumers’ interest as well as keep them engaged in the content.

1. Directly address the consumer’s name at the start of the email

Even using an automated system that includes each person’s name at the beginning of the message makes it more likely for people to open an email. When a message is personalized, people feel special. This also helps strengthen customer relationships, because they feel valued as a client.

2. Don’t flood your consumers’ inboxes

When targeting a specific audience, take into consideration how large or small it is. The larger the audience, the more emails you might have to send to get your message across. If it’s a smaller population you want to reach, send fewer emails. Better yet, give your customers the option of how often they want to receive emails.

3. Make the “unsubscribe” button clearly visible

How many times have you not been able to figure out how to unsubscribe to an unwanted email? Many times, companies trap their email recipients into receiving excessive messages. Making sure you implement a large, clear “unsubscribe” button in your message builds trust with your customers.

4. Keep your email marketing strategy content simple

The more words and visuals your message contains, the more distracting it is. Simply including just two or three sentences makes it more likely for consumers to be interested in the message. Another tip is to avoid stock photos. Instead, use original images that people have never seen before.

5. Scrap the “click here” option

To put it simply, people associate sketchy links with spam. A “click here” option will turn people off if they think it will lead to a virus. Rather, what you should do is use a different phrase. Make them an offer they can’t resist by using persuasive language. Like “sign up now” or “learn more here” and direct them to your website. 

Since email marketing is a great way to build rapport with your clients for free, make sure you do it the right way. If you have questions regarding email marketing tips or software, contact us!

Videos and Your Content Strategy


People decide whether or not they are interested in something within the first 10 seconds of viewing it. In advertising, that leaves no time for anything else. The 30-second to 1-minute commercials we see on TV and the Internet are rarely watched all the way through. Fortunately, there is a solution for catching your audience’s attention: ultra-short videos.

What They Are:

Short-form videos last about 10 seconds or less. They try to get a message across to its viewers, whether it be an advertisement or just a simple story that encourages a certain behavior, thought, or feeling.

Why Videos are Important:

In the marketing and advertising world, content is key. Video has recently become one of the most prevalent ways to pique an audience’s interest. Therefore, it’s only fitting to create something that immediately appeals to consumers.

Since the average attention span is decreasing rapidly, it’s crucial to keep all forms of content short, sweet, and to the point. The shorter the content, the easier it is for people to remember it.

Short-form content has the power to get right down to the point, which first catches viewers’ attention, and ultimately leaves them wanting more.

Another perk of the short-form video is that smaller file sizes are easier to upload. In the end, that saves you time!

How to Create Them:

Reevio, a web-based video-making platform, allows you to create and edit professional-quality animations. It has the largest library of templates of any online video software. Additionally, Promo by Slidely lets you create customized marketing videos that include music and logos.

All in all, short videos are the best way to grab attention online. The best part? Shorter equal less work for you!

Have any questions? Contact us here! 

Benefits of Using Google My Business

Woman working on laptop

Google My Business is a free tool that helps businesses and organizations manage their online presence on Google. It helps customers find your company’s information, such as hours, recent updates, photos, etc. Also, it allows you to respond to reviews, update information, and add posts.

Why use it?

Having a Google My Business sidebar appear after someone searches for your business makes it appear more professional. It can also improve its local rankings. Additionally, it provides viewers with quick and short information so that they don’t have to dig too deep to find what they are looking for.


With the new Posts feature, users can create and update more information on the business sidebar. For example, posting about sales, promotions, or upcoming events is a good way to attract customers.

Recently, Google added a Q&A feature, which displays frequently asked questions to viewers right away. This makes it easier for them to decide if they are interested or not. In addition to Posts and Q&A’s, Google has created a real-time chat mode with customers and businesses. This allows for more client engagement and increases brand loyalty.

In short, Google My Business is a great way to keep your small business or organization at the forefront of peoples’ minds.

Want to find out more about best practices on Google? Ask us!

3 External Communications Apps for Your Business


External communications are as important as internal communication. It’s about sending messages to your audience. Such as your clients, investors, suppliers, members of the community, or others.

Certain software can aid in effective communication with people outside of your business. Here’s a list of 3 helpful applications that can benefit your business’ external communications.


If you’re looking for a way to create and update social media content on multiple platforms at a time, try Buffer. It’s the easiest option for communicating information to prospective or current clients. When using the application, you can schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more.


Canva, a free graphic design website, is a valuable marketing application. It lets you create marketing and advertising materials such as posters, flyers, invitations, etc. Additionally, the best thing about Canva is that even non-designers find it simple to use. Providing the user with premade templates makes it easier on those who aren’t very artsy.

Facebook Pages Manager App

Finally, this app from Facebook allows you to oversee up to 50 of your Facebook pages from your smartphone or tablet. Therefore, it proves to be an efficient social media platform for managing your company’s external communications. You can check activity and keep up-to-date with the page insights.

Overall, if you’re searching for the right communication to reach your intended audience, we recommend you try one of these. If you have questions, let us know! Contact us.

3 Communication Apps for Your Business


Effective communication within an organization is essential for it to function correctly.

A quick but efficient way to communicate with other employees within your business is to use digital applications. Here are a few examples of useful apps that your business can use:


Let’s start with the simplest software. Skype is an application that provides video calling between devices. Additionally, it serves as an instant messenger, so you can quickly send information to other employees in (or out of) the office without having to get out of your chair.


One way to keep employees organized is to use Trello. It’s a web-based project management application that allows members to collaborate by adding projects to “boards”. In short, it tells you who is working on certain tasks within your organization, and when they are completed.


Finally, Infusionsoft is an email marketing platform and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software all-in-one. Therefore, this means that you can manage your clients’ contact information, interaction history, and other individual records. Infusionsoft saves you hours of time by making your customer details simple and well-organized.

Without a doubt, these three applications are helpful tools that aid in managing your business’ internal communications. For more information about these platforms, contact us here.

Why Search Engine Optimization is Crucial

search engine optimization

When you search Google for the best Italian restaurant in town, a list of results appears. The results at the very top are the ones that most closely match the words you typed into the search box. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what helps those restaurants appear at the top of your search results.

Why care?

 For over ten years, search engine optimization has served as a valuable tool for businesses. In short, it directs more people to your website based on relevant keywords or phrases that they search. It can even help you monitor progress. SEO also helps with reputation management. Therefore, the more your business appears on a search results page, the more reputable and credible it seems.

What to expect

Getting acclimated to SEO takes a long time. It’s an ongoing process that involves choosing and editing specific content for your website. Because it can be such a tedious job, a lot of companies hire people specifically for the role of SEO. The benefits, however, pay off. SEO can increase brand exposure and awareness as it reaches new markets. Additionally, it makes your website more attractive and easier to navigate.

Overall, investing in search engine optimization can be a beneficial opportunity for your business to grow. As the Internet continues to change, it’s important to make sure your brand is still being noticed.

Need assistance getting started with SEO for your business? We can help.

Social Media Marketing Trends for 2018

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Trends, like seasons, are constantly changing. Fashion trends, for example, are only popular for a few months or years at a time. The same circumstance applies to social media marketing and the digital world.

Since inventions in technology are endless, it’s important to keep up with modern trends and ideas. Below are some social media tips to help keep you up-to-date in 2018.


According to Forbes, more than 80% of marketing consumers would rather watch a live video than read social media updates. The creation of live video streaming on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook allows marketers to reach people in a more modern way. Businesses can post 24-hour video “stories” to their profile, or opt to the live-stream material to their audience. Video is a useful marketing tool that catches the attention of younger audiences, as well as visual learners.


Social media marketing is the quickest and most efficient way to reach customers. It’s important to take advantage of this by engaging with them directly. Outlets such as Twitter and Facebook make it easy to keep up with customers by responding directly to their complaints or praises. It’s commonly mistaken that gaining new followers is more important than engaging with existent customers or clients. Social media interaction with followers yields more brand loyalty and gives your business more of a personality.

Have any questions about social media? Don’t hesitate to contact us here! 


3 Tips for Creating Killer Content

Guy looking at plans for content.

Content is everywhere. From viewing street signs to reading articles on websites, content is a major part of our day-to-day lives.

One of the most important ways to lure in potential clients or customers is to make sure your content is catchy, consistent, and entertaining. Here’s how:

Catch Their Eye

8 out of 10 people won’t read an article/blog /social media post if the title isn’t appealing to them. So, focus on creating a catchy, relatable title. Some ideas include: stating an unknown fact that will entice the reader or create a list-style subject line. List-style articles make it easier for people to skim.

Less Content is More

When writing, make sure to keep sentences and paragraphs short. Most people skim over what they read in order to save time. It’s important to be consistent, so keep paragraphs to a 3-4 sentence maximum. Another option is to use bullet points. This way, readers can jump right to what they want to read.

Don’t be boring!

If you want your readers to stay interested,  you need to write content conversationally. Nothing is worse than reading something boring and awkwardly formal. If you write as though you’re addressing a good friend, people are more likely to be absorbed in your writing.

Do you have any questions about creating content for your business? Contact us here!

Why You Should Use Email Marketing and How to Do So

email marketing

In today’s market, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to pique the interest of consumers.


Not only does email marketing build credibility and strengthen customer relationships, but it also gets them to comply with your message. Whether it be purchasing a product, attending an event, or donating to a specific cause.

A fast and efficient option for reaching consumers, email marketing is actually the most effective channel of communication with retailers, according to millennials.

So, how should you get started?

Finding the right software for your business is the first step. One reputable software system is Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft also reviews what you write to make sure that the email doesn’t go into the spam folder. Also, the software uses a calculation to determine the best times to send out mass emails. In other words, they tell you when people are most likely to open emails and click on the links.

Overall, email marketing gives businesses the potential to increase sales, customer satisfaction, and build relationships.

With current technology is at its peak, utilizing email to market products is the best way to get people to pay attention and go to your website.

If you have any questions you can contact us here.

The 3 Best Graphic Design Practices for Marketers

Low Fidelity Sketch Image

From school textbooks to social media platforms, the most effective and engaging form of content nowadays is visual. This is why graphic design is more important than ever before.

What comes with visual content, of course, is the good and the bad. Maybe you’ve been on a website that you can’t navigate because the layout is too distracting, the fonts are invisible, or the pictures used don’t even relate to the topic.

In order to avoid those costly mistakes and keep your audience engaged and focused, here’s a list of 3 best practices for Graphic Design in Marketing.

1. Design for your audience.

It’s important to keep in mind and who you are trying to reach with your design. If you are creating a flyer for an event targeted toward children, would you use a plain black font without pictures? No, of course not. You would use bright colors with big fonts and include images or symbols on the flyer. Remember that even if your design looks great, it may not suit the correct audience.

2. Choose the right background/font color combinations.

One of the most crucial pieces of advice for designing is to make sure that words/images are visible. So if you choose a red background with an orange font, no one is going to be able to read the text. The best color combinations for background and font are black/white, black/yellow, blue/white, etc.

3. Arrange visual elements in a hierarchical way.

Purposeful placement of elements might not be something you think about when designing, however, it stresses the importance of certain content. Think about it this way: if you open an invitation to a party, and the top of the invitation states, “YOU’RE INVITED TO… KATIE’S 21st BIRTHDAY” in bold, large letters, you’ll catch the reader’s attention.

If you follow these three rules for Graphic Design, the message of your content is sure to get across to your audience.

Have any questions about design or advertising material? Contact us here!

Must Have Social Media Tools for Small Businesses

social media tools

Must have Social Media Tools for Small Businesses

Here are some must-have social media tools for small businesses


You can use Twitter to build connections with a relevant audience. These connections can lead to actions across a network of loyal customers for your business. As a local business, you can use Twitter to promote special promotions, deals and or coupons to your followers and audience. There are a lot of different strategies to use for this.


Facebook is a great opportunity for a company to make online sales, get a following around the brand, and create a platform where customers can discuss products. Marketing on Facebook has become essential for any business to have a strong social media presence in the digital world. Therefore, with over 2 billion monthly active users, there’s no reason to leave this section of your audience potential untapped.


Instagram’s highly curated and personal environment is more likely to inspire action. The content is seen as trustworthy, authentic and relevant. Additionally, over the past couple of years, Instagram has become a powerhouse in the realm of social media. With over 700 million monthly active users, the platform has become a great place to share content with your audience.


Tumblr is the best place for creators to find an audience for their content. There are over 200 million blogs publishing 80 million posts per day. Therefore, it’s a great way to get your content seen by a large number of users.


Finally, Pinterest is an online tool for collecting and organizing images. The platform has become important for some people to find inspiration and new ideas, particularly designers.

Have any questions? Contact us today! 

Website Design Trends for 2018

website design trends

Website design trends are constantly changing from year to year. This makes it hard for designers and agencies to keep up with the latest web design and tech advancements.

We’re here to help though. Let’s take a look at some notable web design trends coming poised to take over in 2018.

Website Design Trends

Bright Colors and Bold Fonts

To complement these modern design styles, you’ll need type font that stands out. Bold font styles help users focus on your content, while the whitespace makes it easier to read and skim through.

The goal is to create an easy and enjoyable experience for the user to keep them on your site for as long as possible and eventually convert them into paying customers.

In 2018, we may also see these fonts and colors taking the place of images. This makes sense for mobile especially. Unlike images, which slow pages down, scaling the size of your typography won’t impact performance.

Sticky Elements

All those tiny ads at the bottom of apps and mobile websites are making their way to desktop and tablet designs as well. And it’s not just ads in this down screen location, chat boxes, pop-ups, notifications, and even navigational elements are sticking to the bottom of the screen.

This less obtrusive location is a prime viewing area and mobile usage has trained users that these types of placements are acceptable.


Small, simple animations can surprise and delight users. They can also help provide information and lead the user through more active engagement with the design.

But subtle animation isn’t about a loading feature that hides logging time, it’s movement within the design itself.

To make the most of subtle animation in the design stick to a couple of basic rules: pick just one animation “trick” and stick to it, animation should feel realistic and mimic the laws of physics, don’t force sound or click actions to motion and make sure the animation plays on a reliable loop so users know when the animation is complete.

Interested in improving the design of your site? Contact us here!

Facebook Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

Facebook Marketing

facebook marketing dos and donts

Facebook Marketing Do’s & Don’ts

Facebook marketing has become essential for any business to have a strong social media presence in the digital world. Therefore, with over 2 billion monthly active users, there’s no reason to leave this section of your audience potential untapped.

Here is a list of do’s and don’ts


Keep It Short

Fewer words get more engagement, think of Twitter.

Post Frequently

Keep your Facebook audience informed by posting photos, promotions, and special offers. Also, provide relevant links.

Be Genuine

Connect with your user in a non-robotic way. Also, talk in a conversational way.

Get Feedback

Listen to your users, it will help you develop new products and improve on the existing ones


Don’t get tired of answering questions and responding to feedback on Facebook. Also, never forget to say thank you.


Always Sell

Use the 80/20 rule, 80% content, 20% product

Spam Your Audience

Don’t overpost and annoy your Facebook audience. Also, avoid oversharing or ranting about employees or customers

Talk Politics

You may lose potential customers whose opinions differ from yours

Go Dormant

Fewer posts, less value for future posts from Facebook’s algorithm. Users will also forget about you.


Finally, ignoring may only add fuel to the fire, respond with your email and settle the matter privately

Have any questions about Facebook Marketing? Contact us today!

Visual Content Marketing Facts

visual content

Visual Content Marketing

Discover why you need a better visual content marketing strategy

Content is everywhere. From viewing street signs to reading articles on the internet, content is a major part of our day-to-day lives. Anyone can start a blog and create content, but great content marketing is about creating stellar content with a purpose and strategy. This past year, we’ve seen the importance of visual content emphasized by the changes that occurred across almost every major social network. Including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. At the same time, both video and infographics have become powerful tools for brands looking to communicate more easily with their readers with visual content marketing.

Social Media Stats

Tweets with images received 150% more retweets than tweets without images.

On Instagram, photos showing faces get 38% more likes than photos not showing faces

Facebook posts with images see 2.3x more engagement than those without images

57% of teens use Instagram, and nearly as many as (41%) use Snapchat.

46% of marketers say photography is critical to their marketing and storytelling strategies.

34% of marketers selected visual assets as their most important content

73% of content creators plan to prioritize creating more in 2016

Have any questions about visual content marketing? Contact us today! 

Marketing Trends for 2018

marketing trends

2017 is drawing to a close, and it’s already time to start thinking about next year!

The goal of any business is an overall improvement. Therefore, one way to ensure your business stays on top is sticking to marketing trends.

Here are our top 4 trends you should focus your marketing going into 2018.

Social Marketing

It is worth dealing if you invest in social marketing to promote your brand. The social media platform is the one which takes information from you and prevails this information among thousands of people in a few seconds. Such as Facebook’s News Feed. Almost every business today has adopted the news feed.

Smart Content Marketing

Content marketing is all which can win the whole game of marketing in the future. Quality content is prepared to understand the needs of your potential customers. For this, the smart content approach is used by various marketers nowadays.

Content marketing professionals used to add personalization elements in their content in order to drive better performance. To fulfill the needs of your customer you should create customer-centric content.

Video Marketing

Additionally, a video is a key element in video marketing. Whether it is a simple ad, top commercial regarding anything or any other informative thing, videos if embedded into this would surely attract most of the people and provide visually-rich, interactive content to them in order to convey their message.

As a result, the audience takes considerable action towards it and further like it or post it or share it by making use of various social channels viz. Like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. The high-quality content video is the demand for the future now.


Finally, marketing automation is a great tool for marketing which automates all marketing activities easily. It mainly includes behavioral Email marketing, CRM, and web personalization. It allows marketers to use their time and efforts in an efficient way to get potential customers and for lead generation. Therefore, it combines your marketing campaigns across all channels from direct mail to social initiatives.

Have any questions about marketing? Or looking for help improving your marketing ventures? Contact us here!


4 Holiday Marketing Ideas for 2017

Holiday Elements

Are you ready to cash in on the holiday shopping craze? If so, you need to create a few holiday marketing campaigns to attract customers to your store. But, creating marketing campaigns takes time, and who has extra time during the holidays?

To take the hassle out of the holidays, we’ve put together a list of four holiday marketing ideas that every business can and should use during the holidays.

Run a Social Holiday Marketing Giveaway

Speaking of Instagram, another great way to utilize the platform is by running a social media holiday giveaway. We’d recommend running a social campaign across all the major platforms your business uses to get more and more eyes on your business.

And who doesn’t like free stuff, especially during the holidays? Whether it be a big discount, a free add-on with an order or just something completely for free, get into the holiday spirit of giving. Typically, asking followers to comment, share, like, etc. are great tactics to get even more engagement with your giveaway.

Make Seasonal Emails

If you’re not incorporating the holidays into your email marketing campaigns, you’re making a big mistake! Holidays instill powerful memories into your shoppers’ minds, so enticing them with fun seasonal emails is a great way to connect in their inboxes.

Pull at their Heart Strings

While holidays may not be loved by all, most people have an emotional tie to them. And we all know that emotions drive action, so now is the time to get emotional with your marketing.

Emotional doesn’t mean you need to make every one of your audience members cry – even using humor in your messaging can go a long way during the holiday season.

Build Customer Loyalty with Personalized Gifts

Lastly, don’t forget about marketing to your customers.

Small acts of personalized kindness towards your customers make a huge impact and can strengthen the relationship, turning a happy customer into a brand advocate.

Use these tips to make all of your holiday marketing dreams come true!

Have any questions on how to increase the reach of your holiday marketing? Contact us here!


Cleaning Up Your SEO For Fall

SEO for fall

Since website performance and optimization is affected by things such as bad links, sloppy code, and poor content, it is a great time to do a semi-annual tidying to eliminate any problems. What does something like this do for search engine optimization efforts? Here are a few ways to be sure any essential SEO for fall areas that tend to collect internet ‘dirt’ is cleaned.

Analyze with Analytics

Using analytic software such as Google Analytics and run a full array of reports normally monitored, especially important ones like site and page errors. Error reports are the most significant and probably the lengthiest. Don’t put off the work! Every error detected by analytics tools is one more that is affecting website efficiency.

Review Your SEO for fall

Since it can be somewhat difficult to systematically review websites for SEO, content, and other aspects, adding this job to the twice-yearly cleaning can help make sure it actually happens. Be sure content is correct and complete; review upcoming content ideas to be sure of current relevancy. Discover the latest trends in SEO and coding; update any techniques or HTML to benefit the overall website.

Site Errors

The annoying truth of the matter is that site errors need to be fixed. Many will be simple such as dead links or URLs with typos; others may be quite important. SEO reports can point out errors such as pages missing header tags, nonworking links, and other such information. Troubleshooting site speed may show other types of problems that unknowingly exist. It may be tedious; however, it is necessary to fix page issues regularly. This will improve site speed and result in fewer problem pages on the website.

Social Profiles

Check those important social media pages to be sure that they work, especially for any unknown issues. Be sure links from main websites to different social pages are not broken, out of place, or have been forgotten. Such problems should be corrected quickly, as this can potentially affect website traffic both to social sites and back to the corresponding website.

It probably seems like a lot to go through twice a year; however, doing so can keep any website and its search engine optimization efforts functioning smoothly and reaching planned goals with very few concerns. Don’t overlook this important fall website tidying effort – and keep that website running like new!

Have any questions about updating your SEO for Fall? Contact us here! 

6 Killer Tips for Great Websites


As a business in today’s world, it’s important now more than ever, to have a functioning website that works well and looks amazing.

Today we’re going to discuss the basics that are important to have a website that you and your audience will love.

Colors, colors, colors

Color is critical on web pages, but colors have meanings to people, and using the wrong color can have the wrong connotation if you’re not careful. When you create your web color scheme keep in mind color symbolism.

Spellcheck is your friend

Very few people are tolerant of spelling errors, especially on a professional website. You lose credibility from your readers and audience when you have errors in your text. Having a rigid internal editing process is a great way to cut out the mistakes and put a clean, professional site in front of your customers.

Loading Times

If you do nothing else to improve your web pages, you should make them load as fast as possible. You also need to consider mobile visitors who may not have such wonderful connection speeds at the moment that they are visiting your page! The thing about speed is that people only notice it when it’s absent.

Stop, Navigate and Listen…

If your readers can’t get around on the page or on the website they won’t stick around. You should have navigation on your web pages that are clear, direct, and easy to use. The bottom line is that if your users are confused by a site’s navigation, the only place they will navigate to is a different site altogether.

Be available

If someone cannot easily contact you on a site, they won’t! That likely defeats the purpose of any site hoping to be used for business reasons. If you do have contact information on your site, follow up on it. Answering your contacts is the best way to create a long-lasting customer.

Links need a destination

Broken links are another sign for many readers (and search engines, too) that a site is not well maintained. Unfortunately, link rot is something that happens without even noticing. Even if links were coded properly at the launch of the site, those links may need to be updated now to ensure they are all still valid.

Interested in updating your website or have any questions about design? Let us help! Contact us here.